Little Traumas (2.3.23)


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This song is about facing past traumas and learning to find peace with yourself.




Written and performed by Kat Robichaud. Produced, recorded, and mixed by Mark McKee. Keys: Brendan Getzell. Drums: RJ Pal. Guitars, bass and synths: Mark McKee. Horns: Mark Rudin.


Emilio Racinez, Rick Kinnaird, NJ + Morrisa, Douglas A. Gwyn, Harrison Scroggins, Laura Reznikov, Ian Bennett, Charles Cross, Alex Eros, Gabriel Milian, David Carlstrom, Jerome Moisand, and to all of Kat’s Patreon members for making this recording possible. xo


I didn’t choose to be this way

This is just how I was made

All of the little traumas I picked up along the way

Made me who I am today

All of the places I’ve been

Including the ones I never want to go back to again

They made me who I am

And stronger than

The person that I was back then

So I take it one day at a time

I’ve got time

I don’t mind

I’m finding better ways to be kind

Without losing my mind

And I am feeling fine

You see me the way you want to

But I’m not here to please you

And nothing that I ever do

Has anything to do with you

So you do you

And I’ll do me

I am exactly who I’m supposed to be

And what you call crazy

I call originality

So I take it one day at a time

I’ve got time 

I don’t mind

I’m finding better ways to be kind 

Without losing my mind

I’m finally ok with myself

Don’t want to be anybody else

It doesn’t stop the sadness but it helps

Yeah it helps

You see me the way you want to

But I’m not here to please you

And nothing that I ever do

Has anything to do with you

So you do you

And I’ll do me

I am exactly who I’m supposed to be

And what you call crazy

I call originality 

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