Colors of Your Heart (9/10/2021)


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I wrote this song for Misfit Cabaret’s “CIRCUS”. The song is about first love- the newness, the infatuation, the excitement of feeling seen and desired for the first time. The bubble of love.

I don’t honestly know who my first true love was. I was “boy crazy”, as my mother used to say, at a very early age and that continued throughout high school. I got my first boyfriend in kindergarten and I remember exchanging love letters with him until the teacher caught us. I also remember selling my artwork out of a trapper keeper for kids’ milk money, but I got caught for that as well. Damn, that teacher really liked to stifle my heart, didn’t she?

I thought it was so important for me to have a boyfriend for some reason. I was in love with the thought of being in love. Maybe I also felt invisible most of the time. We moved a lot when I was in grade school and it was hard having to make new friends at the start of every school year, on top of going through puberty. I wanted someone to want me so badly. I wish I hadn’t felt that way, but there’s no changing the past.

I’ve been with my husband Guillaume for 13 years now, so I have long forgotten the feeling of “young love”, but I enjoy seeing it in other people and in tv and literature. I think I loved the Twilight books so much because when Bella gets her heart broken by Edward in “New Moon”, you can feel her devastation. Harp all you want, Stephanie Meyer was dead-on with conveying how it feels to be utterly crushed by an unreciprocated love. How gut-wrenchingly fun it is to reminisce!

I can usually tell you what inspired my songs, but the actual inspiration for this song is a little secret.




Written and performed by Kat Robichaud. Produced, recorded, and mixed by Mark McKee. Keys: Brendan Getzell. Drums: RJ Pal. Bass: Tim Baker. Guitars and synths: Mark McKee. Horns: Mark Ruden. Mastered by Piper Payne at Infrasonic Studios. Music video shot and edited by Mark Semegen.


Emilio Racinez, Rick Kinnaird, NJ + Morrisa, Douglas A. Gwyn, Harrison Scroggins, Laura Reznikov, Ian Bennett, Charles Cross, Alex Eros, Gabriel Milian, David Carlstrom, Jerome Moisand, and to all of Kat’s Patreon members for making this recording possible. xo


If you were the last thing I saw I could die right now

I have never seen something so beautiful

It’s like I was asleep till I saw you

And even this could be a dream

And now that I’ve found you

I don’t ever want to wake up

The colors of your heart

In a bubble, being loved by you is wonderful

And you are my armor

Nothing else matters, long as we’re together

If you were the last thing I saw I could die right now

I have never seen something so beautiful

You fill me with flowers

I swear it’s like we’re in a film

That’s all ours

And hours go by

And we forget time

The colors of your heart

In a bubble, being loved by you is wonderful

And you are my armor

Nothing else matters, long as we’re together

If you were the last thing I saw I could die right now

The mirrors on a carousel

We’ve got kinetoscope eyes

We’re floating in champagne skies

The circus’s blurred around us

Like a story from the West Side

This is love, This is love at first sight

The colors of your heart

In a bubble, being loved by you is wonderful

And you are my armor

Nothing else matters, long as we’re together

The colors of your heart

In a bubble, being loved by you is wonderful

And you are my armor

Nothing else matters, long as we’re together

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